
Annette receives my highest recommendation and deepest gratitude as a trusted executive coach and mentor.
My engagement with her began at a pivotal moment in my career when I’d just changed jobs.
Having Annette as my coach gave me a safe space for conversations and helped me settle quickly in a new environment. Her thought-provoking questions, discerning observations and insightful analysis resulted in a personalized Leadership Development plan. Embarking on this humanized coaching journey enabled me to evolve into a more self-aware leader- comfortable 'in my own skin'.
Annette’s holistic coaching philosophy and structured methodology struck a harmonious balance between rigour and fluidity. Candour and subtlety. Stimulating and compassionate. And it has made a world of difference to my life as a whole.

Saudamini Dubey
Managing Director, Accenture ME

This was by far the most effective personal “intervention” I have ever had.

Mike L
Senior Leader UK MoD

Almost a year after completing my coaching program with Annette, I can say that I lead a different life now. Even as I write that sentence, I have to pause and let it sink in. And now, I do. I am more awake and aware of what I can bring (and what I want to bring) to every moment. I am making subtle but powerful progress toward all of my goals. I am a better listener. The best part is that it was all me, all along. Annette made me realize this early on. I’ll never forget it.

Federal Mediator, USA

Annette has been my coach and a big part of my growth at Accenture. Every leader needs a coach – someone who can look at them in the eye, guide them towards finding their purpose and elevate them to the next level. Annette has helped me find my purpose – to be a happy and inspiring leader. She cares about my growth and has an innate ability to understand and connect with me intuitively. Annette has very powerful coaching tools which help me to work with my strengths, resulting in making me a much more rounded, balanced and empathic leader. These "tools” are not something one could just obtain from reading self-help books – they are tailored, personal and practical changes, which have helped me to raise my game. I can feel and see the difference in my ability to work with my team and with the people around me. Annette has not only helped me to grow, but the people I work with (my teams and my clients) have also grown as a result and this has been the real power of Annette’s coaching (for me).
I have hugely benefited from our virtual 1-2-1’s and our journey continues in my pursuit to be the next CEO....

Shashii Asnaani
Managing Director, Accenture Digital UKI

By the middle of 2019, I had been living with a feeling of inner stuckness for quite some time, a feeling that seemed to be the predominant obstacle in moving forward in the life and business that I had been trying to create. I worked with several coaches with whom I made headway and yet it wasn’t all the way. In one session with Annette, I felt that obstacle drop away. In the weeks that followed, I saw a meaningful shift in my own coaching practice as I was able to be both bolder and more open to my clients and felt them deepen their exploration in response. On the personal front, after years of hemming and hawing, I found a certainty that it was time to wed my beloved!
I’ve been coached by some brilliant and intuitive coaches before, but none who use their curiosity with such effective precision or their gifts with such confident centeredness as Annette.

Sarah B Rawz
Business & Empowerment Coach, USA

I met Annette in 2012, during her workshop "Quantum Skills for Coaches", which was a real eye-opener for me and she has coached me several times since then.
Annette has a way of working that is holistic, transparent and goes straight to the heart of the issue. Her presence, generosity and professionalism have had a profound and valuable impact on my journey - both as a person and a coach. I highly recommend her coaching programmes.

Anna Casas
Leadership Coach and Coaching Supervisor

I had several sessions with Annette to further develop my leadership skills, reflect and learn. I am still using the tools Annette showed me and they help me to be a better leader and to deal with difficult situations. I am looking forward to our next sessions!

Sigrid Stinnes
Innovation & Design Lead, Germany, Switzerland, Austria & Russia - Accenture

The amount of help that Annette's work gave me was so enormously useful and effective that…I can’t begin to quantify it.
Her approach is special firstly for her high degree of empathy and generosity - without intrusion or judgment. She knows how to go straight to the core of the problem or problems and the keys she gives us to solve them are so amazingly effective. With simple words and much gentleness, she transforms you and conveys a joie de vivre, an enthusiasm and an openness of spirit that will change your life.
I owe her a great deal and thank her so much for everything she has given me.

Françoise Peyrin